Welcome to the Official Peachstate Roleplay Website!

Written by
Jack M (TBD)
Our mission is to provide the best professional Georgia Roleplay Experience in FiveM. Created by former members of Westside and Department Of Safety Roleplay, We have some of the most professional roleplayers in FiveM, And one of the only servers to be Georgia-based. There are many reasons you should join us such as our community and staff members. 

You must be 14+ And MATURE in order to apply and join our server, You may be 13 but you have to be extremely mature in order to join. 
Our departments include the following.
Atlanta Police Department
Gwinnett County Police Department (ITS APD)
Fulton County Sheriff's Office 

Gwinnett County Sheriff's Office (GCSO AND FCSO ARE THE SAME DEPARTMENT)
Georgia State Patrol (STATEWIDE HIGHWAYS)

More Information

DISCORD: https://discord.gg/RHVyw8g6ua 
O.C.G.A CODES (PENAL CODES) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Ec4izRYp8palnYFtrrcpdHZs2D-61vzvHvLLISaZWGY/edit?usp=sharing